LATEST EVENT NEWS - You can check out all of the latest news about Rosecrans' Pursuit at this web site, or follow us on Facebook by clicking on the Facebook Logo or by clicking here. We have an event folder at The Authentic Campaigner.
NET PROCEEDS WILL GO TO PRESERVATION - Between 40 Rounds, The Liberty Rifles and the Independent Rifles, our organizations have raised over $100,000 for preservation of Civil War Battlefields. Rosecrans' Pursuit will be no exception. All net proceeds from the event will be donated to a worthy preservation effort that will be announced at a later date. It's a win-win. We all participate in a stellar historical event and at the end of the day, help to preserve the memory of a site for the next generation.
BATTLEFIELD PRESERVATION - The bottom line for any EBUFU (Event By Us For Us) is preservation. When you register or contribute to Rosecrans' Pursuit, the registration funds and fund-raising becomes the operating budget for the event. Through this budget, we provide all of the aspects of an immersion event that you have come to expect. At the conclusion of the event, we will publish a full financial breakdown so you can see how your money was spent.
Rosecrans' Pursuit, Presented By 40 Rounds, Liberty Rifles & Independent Rifles. All Rights Reserved.